Artisan Water Mixable oil colors 10 x 200 ml set


Water-mixable oil paint made from modified linseed and safflower oils. The colors are developed to be used like regular oil paints. Instead of solvents, artists can use water for thinning and brush cleaning. An excellent choice for artists who share their workspace with others, schools, or homes where strong solvent odors are not desired. The consistency is thick and vibrant, allowing for a versatile painting approach. Artisan oil paints have their own range of mediums.

Available in 10 shades in 200 ml tubes:

346 Lemon Yellow / 109 Cadmium Yellow Hue / 095 Cadmium Red Hue / 468 Permanent Alizarin Crimson / 263 French Ultramarine / 538 Prussian Blue / 447 Olive Green / 074 Burnt Sienna / 331 Ivory Black / 644 Titanium White

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